Writing Prompts - April Lesson Pros

#046 - One Word APRIL Writing Prompts - Start with One Word and Become A Better Writer - Lesson Pros

One Word April Writing Prompts - Lesson Pros

Hello Beautiful People, It is good to see you all for our Monthly One Word Writing Prompts! This process has been extremely rewarding, and we are excited to be able to share this with all of you.

For April, we have a special challenge. We want you to connect or share your experience with others. We encourage you to reach out to someone. You can do this via social media, messages, video chat, a letter, or in person, whatever you are most comfortable with.

First, you can start by sharing one of your writing prompts and tell them how writing has affected your life. For your second step, you can talk about your writing. If you are not quite ready to talk about your writing yet, we still advocate sharing your experience and maybe inviting a friend also to start writing.

It is often a great bonding experience and can manifest a new type of relationship that goes beyond the small talk of everyday life. Which can be quite refreshing. With that, here are the April One Word Writing Prompts! April Writing Prompts - Lesson Pros


  1. The Writing Revolution: A Guide to Advancing Thinking
  2. The Writing Strategies Book: Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Writers
  3. BestSelf WordSmith Deck
  4. Hemingway Pencil Cup
  5. Writers Workbook
  6. Leather Journal Notebook Gift Set with Luxury Pen
  7. Messenger Bag Waterproof Vintage Genuine Leather
  8. Digital Voice Recorder Voice Activated Recorder with Playback
  9. The Storymatic Classic - Unique Cards
  10. Music Journal (Diary, Notebook) Hardcover


A daily writing routine can feel demanding at times, and with life as demanding as it is, writing can be often pushed to the side. To prevent that from occurring, it is helpful to have an accountability partner to develop consistent habits.


What word prompt did you find the easiest to write about this month? 

Lesson Pros
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If you are interested in learning how to write songs, check out our Songwriter Course or All Lesson Pros Courses.

  • April 1 Mountain
    April 2 Liar
    April 3 Pine
    April 4 Girlhood
    April 5 Witness
    April 6 Think
    April 7 Ladder
    April 8 Regret
    April 9 Invite
    April 10 Myself
    April 11 River
    April 12 Pony
    April 13 Grateful
    April 14 Magic
    April 15 Waist
    April 16 Season
    April 17 Gone
    April 18 Chestnut
    April 19 Spirit
    April 20 Heavy
    April 21 Guitar
    April 22 Left
    April 23 Free
    April 24 Drowning
    April 25 Meeting
    April 26 Forgive
    April 27 Ignite
    April 28 Weak
    April 29 Chickens
    April 30 Never
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Be sure to subscribe to the Lesson Pros Music Education Blog and Chuck and Sandi's Full-Time RVing, Inspiration and Travel Blog


On another note, some of our students asked us if they could donate to Lesson Pros. So, we decided to set up a program where all donations go towards helping students get started in an instrument. Your donations are appreicated.



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